Michael Carpenter sentenced to life in prison for murder of Nicole Hammond

Carpenter convicted of 1st degree premeditated murder; received statutory sentence of life imprisonment without release

September 20, 2024 (SAINT PAUL) — A Benton County district court has sentenced Michael Carpenter to life in prison for the October 2022 murder of his co-worker, Nicole Hammond. A jury convicted Carpenter of 1st degree premeditated murder and 2nd degree intentional murder on August 2, 2024, after a two-week trial. The statutory sentence for 1st degree premeditated murder is life without the possibility of release.

Michael Carpenter shot and killed Nicole Hammond following a text message exchange in which Hammond requested not to be touched by Carpenter.  On October 24, 2022, Carpenter approached Hammond before her work shift in the parking lot of Dubow Textile, armed with a 9mm pistol, and fired a single shot through Hammond’s neck.

“My thoughts are with Nicole Hammond’s friends, family, and community today. Nicole was a talented, kind, and caring soul who loved art and nature. She will be missed by many,” said Attorney General Keith Ellison. “I am pleased that today, the Court held Michael Carpenter fully accountable for the crime he committed. I hope this accountability is eventually able to bring some measure of peace to Nicole’s loved ones.”

Attorney General Ellison’s office accepted and prosecuted the case at the request of the Benton County Attorney under Minnesota Statutes Sec. 8.01, which provides, “Upon request of the county attorney, the attorney general shall appear in court in such criminal cases as the attorney general deems proper.”

The St. Cloud Police Department and the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension investigated this crime, with assistance from the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office and the Benton County Sheriff’s Office.