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Federal ID# 042104756

New England Anti-Vivisection Society

    • NEAVS
    • Release Chimpanzees
    • Ethical Sicence Education Coalition
    • Project R & R
    • Rise For Animals

General Information

Organization Type CHARITY
Contact Person Christina Papianou
Address 22 Greendale Avenue, Worcester, MA 01606-
Phone Number (617) 523-6020
Purpose or Description To ending animal experimentation and replacing it with humane alternatives that better benefit humans. NEAVS advocates for animals used in biomedical research, product testing, and science education through publications, legislation, and education and outreach programs.
Status Active
Extension Granted

Financial Information

For Fiscal Year Ending 12/31/2022

Direct Public Support$654,033
Government Grants+ $0
Other Revenue+ $1,068,360
Total Revenue$1,722,393
Amount Spent for Program or Charitable Purposes$787,044
Management/General Expense+ $175,931
Fundraising Expense+ $301,410
Total Expenses$1,264,345

Total Revenue$1,722,393
Total Expenses- $1,264,345
End of Year Fund Bal/Net Worth
Total Assets$4,747,817
Total Liabilities- $36,763
End of Year Fund Bal/Net Worth$4,711,054

Financial Information for Prior Years

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