Financial Information
For Fiscal Year Ending 10/31/2023
Direct Public Support | $818,996 |
Government Grants | + $0 |
Other Revenue | + $103,960 |
Total Revenue | $922,956 |
Amount Spent for Program or Charitable Purposes | $223,488 |
Management/General Expense | + $48,693 |
Fundraising Expense | + $11,184 |
Total Expenses | $283,365 |
Total Revenue | $922,956 |
Total Expenses | - $283,365 |
Excess/Deficit | $639,591 |
End of Year Fund Bal/Net Worth
Total Assets | $2,039,769 |
Total Liabilities | - $5,510 |
End of Year Fund Bal/Net Worth | $2,034,259 |
Financial Information for Prior Years
No Other Financial Information Available