
The Minnesota Attorney General’s Office serves as the chief regulator of charities in Minnesota. The Charities Division of the Office is dedicated to educating fundraisers and charities about their responsibilities under the law and ensure they comply with the law, and to educating donors about their rights and how to know they are donating to reliable charities with a track record of delivering results.  

Search for Charities and Fundraisers

Most charities and all professional fundraisers that solicit donations in Minnesota must register with the Attorney General’s Office. You may search to see if a charity or professional fundraiser is registered to solicit donations in Minnesota using the search box on this page.

Charities Information for the Public

Minnesotans are generous people with good intentions. They raise money for good causes and they donate to good causes because they want others to be able to afford their lives and to live with the same dignity and respect that they want for themselves.  This information page contains a couple free publications that can get you started, and many more resources as well.

File a Complaint about a Charity or Nonprofit

We welcome complaints from anyone who experiences a problem or has a concern with a charitable or nonprofit organization or a professional fundraiser for a charity or nonprofit. Complaints from members of the public help us to identify potential violations of Minnesota law and new issues occurring in the charity and nonprofit sectors.

If you would like to file a complaint about a charity, nonprofit, or professional fundraiser, please complete the Charity/Nonprofit Report Form

Information for Nonprofits

This page contains information regarding tax-exempt status, nonprofit governance, key laws, and other resources suitable for nonprofits.

Registration and Reporting - Charities and Charitable Trusts

Most charitable organizations that solicit contributions or have significant charitable assets must register and, thereafter, file an annual report and certain other documents with the Attorney General’s Office. 

Registration and Reporting - Professional Fundraisers

Minnesota law prohibits any person or entity from acting as a professional fundraiser unless registered with the Attorney General’s Office.  Professional fundraisers must also periodically file certain reports and other documents with the Attorney General’s Office regarding their operations and activities. 

Forms and Instructions for Registration and Reporting

The Forms and Instructions for Registration and Reporting webpage contains links to the forms (including instructions) for use in complying with these registration, reporting, and notice requirements

Pay Fees Electronically

Organizations may pay all required fees, including any late fees, electronically using the Attorney General’s Office’s Electronic Payment of Fees webpage. This electronic payment system has a self-directed, step-by-step process allowing charities to pay fees via credit or debit card through a dedicated webpage operated by U.S. Bank. Please note there is a nonrefundable processing fee charged by U.S. Bank for organizations that choose to pay required fees electronically.

Request an Extension of a Filing Deadline

Charitable organizations and charitable trusts may request extensions of the date by which they must file their annual reporting materials. Minnesota law does not permit professional fundraisers to extend the deadline by which they must file reports and other materials. Charities may request a four month extension, and charitable trusts may request a six month extension. Charities and charitable trusts may request an extension electronically or by mail.

Additional Resources

Please note that the Attorney General's Office cannot provide legal advice to a charitable organization, a nonprofit, or a professional fundraiser. If you have questions, you may need to speak with a private attorney about the matter. If you need assistance in contacting a private attorney, you can contact the Minnesota State Bar Association's Attorney Referral Service at You can also review our Hiring an Attorney brochure for more information.