Registration for CLE

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CLE Information

Tools to Help Legal Professionals Combat Bias and Prejudice

Date:  Wednesday, April 16, 2025
Time: 12:00 Noon to 1:00 p.m.
Format: Live Webinar (virtual)
CLE Credit: This Office will apply for 1.0 Elimination of Bias credit.
Location: Online via WebEx
Description:   This one-hour session will explore how bias and prejudice, when unaddressed, affect our legal work, practice of law and administration of justice. Tools, such as the Equity Magnifier, will be introduced as a resource to help maintain a stance of reflection and introspection to combat bias and prejudice in the legal field. This presentation is a continuation of the January 15, 2025, program that discussed epistemology and how persons’ actions are led through their beliefs. Attendance at the prior January 15, 2025, program is not necessary to attend this elimination of bias presentation.

Your Information

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