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Federal ID# 131685039

Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere, Inc.

    • CARE
    • Cooperative For American Relief Everywhere

General Information

Organization Type CHARITY
Contact Person Ranil DeSilva
Address 151 Ellis Street Northeast, Atlanta, GA 30303-2439
Phone Number (404) 681-2552
Purpose or Description Help the developing world's poor in their efforts to achieve social and economic well-being. We support processes that create competence and become self-sustaining over time. Our task is to reach new standards of excellence in offering technical assistance, disaster relief, training, food, other material resources and management in combinations appropriate to local needs and priorities. We also advocate public policies and programs that support these ends.
Status Active
Extension None

Financial Information

For Fiscal Year Ending 6/30/2023

Direct Public Support$549,404,958
Government Grants+ $336,988,522
Other Revenue+ $5,243,642
Total Revenue$891,637,122
Amount Spent for Program or Charitable Purposes$851,540,734
Management/General Expense+ $30,939,289
Fundraising Expense+ $46,955,774
Total Expenses$929,435,797

Total Revenue$891,637,122
Total Expenses- $929,435,797
End of Year Fund Bal/Net Worth
Total Assets$625,911,559
Total Liabilities- $226,339,874
End of Year Fund Bal/Net Worth$399,571,685

Financial Information for Prior Years

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