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Federal ID# 363287099

Treehouse, Inc.

    • Treehouse
    • Family Hope Services, Inc.
    • NHI

General Information

Organization Type CHARITY
Contact Person Tim Clark
Address 5757 Wayzata Boulevard, Saint Louis Park, MN 55416-
Phone Number (952) 238-1010
Purpose or Description Ministry to troubled youth and their families
Status Active
Extension None

Financial Information

For Fiscal Year Ending 9/30/2023

Direct Public Support$3,989,560
Government Grants+ $0
Other Revenue+ $505,790
Total Revenue$4,495,350
Amount Spent for Program or Charitable Purposes$3,020,078
Management/General Expense+ $840,916
Fundraising Expense+ $482,771
Total Expenses$4,343,765

Total Revenue$4,495,350
Total Expenses- $4,343,765
End of Year Fund Bal/Net Worth
Total Assets$3,718,057
Total Liabilities- $2,604,259
End of Year Fund Bal/Net Worth$1,113,798

Financial Information for Prior Years

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