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Federal ID# 473730147

Partnership with Native Americans

    • American Indian Education Foundation
    • American Indian Education Fund
    • American Indian Relief Council
    • Council of Indian Nations
    • Native American Aid
    • Native Relief Charities
    • Navajo Relief Fund
    • Northern Plains Reservation Aid
    • Rescue Operations for Animals of the Reservation
    • Reservation Animal Rescue
    • Sioux National Relief Fund
    • Southwest Indian Relief Council
    • Southwest Reservation Aid

General Information

Organization Type CHARITY
Contact Person Corey Mzhickteno
Address 16415 Addison Road, Suite 200, Addison, TX 75001
Phone Number (866) 441-8538
Purpose or Description Serving immediate needs. Supporting long-term solutions.
Status Active
Extension Granted

Financial Information

For Fiscal Year Ending 12/31/2022

Direct Public Support$24,798,755
Government Grants+ $0
Other Revenue+ $319,867
Total Revenue$25,118,622
Amount Spent for Program or Charitable Purposes$20,269,988
Management/General Expense+ $1,903,664
Fundraising Expense+ $6,058,532
Total Expenses$28,231,884

Total Revenue$25,118,622
Total Expenses- $28,231,884
End of Year Fund Bal/Net Worth
Total Assets$29,928,885
Total Liabilities- $2,056,559
End of Year Fund Bal/Net Worth$27,872,326

Financial Information for Prior Years

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