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Federal ID# 874640498

Action for Democracy

General Information

Organization Type CHARITY
Contact Person David Koranyi
Address 308 South Jefferson Street, Suite 202, Chicago, IL 60661-
Phone Number (917) 968-9807
Purpose or Description Works to empower democratic actors to defend democracy. It is committed to an inclusive and democratic future, and it mobilizes people and campaigns to support this vision.
Status Active
Extension Granted

Financial Information

For Fiscal Year Ending 12/31/2022

Direct Public Support$11,277,682
Government Grants+ $0
Other Revenue+ $0
Total Revenue$11,277,682
Amount Spent for Program or Charitable Purposes$11,875,396
Management/General Expense+ $566,891
Fundraising Expense+ $124,743
Total Expenses$12,567,030

Total Revenue$11,277,682
Total Expenses- $12,567,030
End of Year Fund Bal/Net Worth
Total Assets$193,312
Total Liabilities- $1,482,660
End of Year Fund Bal/Net Worth$-1,289,348

Financial Information for Prior Years

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