Student Loans
Introduction Paying For and Selecting a College Federal Loans, Private Loans, and How to Tell the Difference Repayment Plans Student Loan Servicers and Ombudsman Offices COVID-19 and Student Loan Repayment If You Can't Repay Your Loan Loan Consolidation Programs Loan Cancellation/Forgiveness Programs If Your Loan Defaults Collection Activities Additional Information and Assistance Glossary Index of Resources
Additional Information and Assistance
Scam Alert!
Beware of student loan assistance companies that charge high fees to do what you can do for free!
Borrowers of student loans may receive mailings, receive phone calls, or see websites promising to help them manage their student debt. Signs of a student loan assistance scam include:
- Promises of immediate loan forgiveness or cancellation
- Upfront fees to apply to the U.S. Department of Education for loan programs
- Companies that request your bank account information or access to your federal student aid PIN
- Recurring monthly fees
- Phrases like “Call Now!” “Get Your Student Loans Forgiven Now!” “Guaranteed Results!” or “Savings Plan Available for a Limited Time Only!”
- Statements about relationships with the government
United States Department of Education
The United States Department of Education oversees the federal student loan program. You can contact the U.S. Department of Education if you have questions, suggestions, or concerns about the student loan process. You can also give feedback to the U.S. Department of Education to file a complaint, report suspicious activity, or provide suggestions.
Federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
Another federal agency, the Federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has authority to address various student loan issues for both federal and private loans. You can contact the CFPB Student Loan Ombudsman
to share your experiences, suggestions, and concerns about student loans.
National Consumer Law Center (NCLC)
The National Consumer Law Center, a nonprofit consumer legal and advocacy group, has established a Student Loan Borrower Assistance Project that provides information about student loan rights and responsibilities. The Student Loan Borrower Assistance Website
is a website resource that many borrowers indicate is helpful on many student loan topics.
Student Borrower Protection Center
The Student Borrower Protection Center is another nonprofit consumer legal and advocacy group. It provides information about the Public Service Loan Forgiveness process, abuses by the student loan industry, and other topics related to borrowers’ rights.
Student Borrower Protection Center
1025 Connecticut Ave NW, #717
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 670-3871
Lutheran Social Services
The Minnesota Legislature provided funding for a student loan financial counseling program through Lutheran Social Services, a nonprofit organization. If you need assistance in exploring available options for repaying your student loans, Lutheran Social Services may be available to help individuals navigate repayment options, help determine eligibility for alternative programs, and help develop an individualized action plan. This financial counseling program is free and confidential. In-person appointments are available across Minnesota. Phone or virtual appointment options are also available. Contact the Lutheran Social Services Student Loan Counseling Program at the following address:
Lutheran Social Services Financial Counseling
424 West Superior Street, Suite 600
Duluth, MN 55802
(218) 529-2227 or (888) 577-2227
Minnesota Office of Higher Education
Minnesota Office of Higher Education
1450 Energy Park Drive, Suite 350
St. Paul, MN 55108
(651) 642-0567 or (800) 657-3866
Minnesota Attorney General’s Office
If you are having trouble with a lender, a debt collector, or a student loan servicer, the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office may be able to help.
There are several ways to contact our office:
First, you may telephone our office at (651) 296-3353 (Twin Cities Calling Area) or (800) 657-3787 (Outside the Twin Cities). Our phones are answered by trained consumer specialists who may be able to answer your questions or point you in the right direction.
Second, you may write a letter to the Office. Your letter should provide the name and contact information of the company you are having trouble with, an explanation of what the problem is, and pertinent information about the amount of your loan and the nature of your problem. You may send this letter to our office at the following address:
Office of Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison
445 Minnesota Street, Suite 600
St. Paul, MN 55101
Third, you may fill out the Consumer Assistance Request Form and either submit it online or mail it to our office as follows:
Office of Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison
445 Minnesota Street, Suite 600
St. Paul, MN 55101