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February 20, 2025 - Op. Atty. Gen. 1035
MINNESOTA STATE HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE: Executive Order 14201 does not preempt Minnesota law. Prohibiting students from participating in extracurricular activities consistent with their gender identity would violate the Minnesota Human Rights Act.
February 6, 2025 - Op. Atty. Gen. 3a
LAW ENFORCEMENT: IMMIGRATION DETAINER: Minnesota law prohibits state and local law enforcement agencies from holding someone based on an immigration detainer if the person would otherwise be released from custody. Minn. Stat. §§ 629.30; .34
November 13, 2023 - Op. Atty. Gen. 622a6
EDUCATION-SCHOOL PROPERTY-LEASES: Where education district will use ninety percent of property for educational programs and leases for remaining ten percent are for commercial uses that do not interfere with educational programs, existing leases do not disqualify the purchase of the property by the district. Under these facts, purchasing the property subject to existing leases is a purchase for a valid public purpose if the education district board determines lease terms are in the best interests of the district. Minn. Stat. § 216B.51.
October 17, 2023 - Op. Atty. Gen. 358a3
INCOMPATIBLE OFFICES; COUNTY COMMISSIONER AND CITY ADMINISTRATOR; City administrator position description did not reflect independent and final decision-making authority and therefore did not meet criteria for a public office subject to inherent incompatibility with another public office; local government units are best positioned to assess actual and potential conflicts under their personnel rules and policies.
August 22, 2023 - Op. Atty. Gen. 169f
SCHOOL PUPILS: DISCIPLINE: Laws of Minnesota 2023 ch. 55, art. 2, § 36 and art. 12, § 4
do not limit the types of reasonable force that may be used by school staff and agents to prevent
bodily harm or death. Minn. Stat. §§ 121A.58; 121A.582.
Supplemented Opinion issued September 20, 2023
February 17, 2023 - Op. Atty. Gen. 622i-11
SCHOOL DISTRICTS: SCHOOL PROPERTY: PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY; SALE OF REAL PROPERTY: Intermediate school district’s purchase of property from a member district where the member district retains title as security for the purchase price is governed by Minn. Stat. § 465.71 and the limitations therein and is not authorized by Minn. Stat. § 465.035.
November 17, 2022 - Op. Atty. Gen. 169i (Cr. Ref. 169x)
SCHOOL PUPILS: EXCLUSION: FEES: Minnesota law prohibits schools or districts participating in the federal school lunch program from providing an alternate meal not on the scheduled menu to students with unpaid meal debt.
June 30, 2021 - Op. Atty. Gen. 430
HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY: LATE FEES: Statutory cap applies to each overdue rent payment once and may not be applied to a cumulative total of overdue rent that includes rent for which a late fee has previously been assessed. Recalculation of late fee on a partial payment is not required. Minn. Stat. § 504B.177
October 27, 2020 – Op. Atty. Gen 355a (Cr. Ref. 159a3, 442a20)
Public Funds-General-City: Regardless of new technology or public health crises, a city may not use public funds to advocate for one side of a ballot question. Minn. Const. Art. 10 § 1, Minn. Stat. §§ 10.60, 412.211
October 16, 2020 – Op. Atty. Gen 182 (Cr. Ref. 183)
ELECTIONS: CHALLENGERS: Challengers do not have any role or authority within the ballot-board process.
May 7, 2020 – Op. Atty. Gen 28A-6
SECRETARY OF STATE: ELECTIONS-BALLOTS-GENERAL: MARKING-RULES: Section 208 of the VRA preempts the prohibition on a
candidate assisting a voter and the prohibition on a person assisting more than three voters in an election,
as set forth in Minn. Stat. § 204C.15, subd 1. Any enforcement of these prohibitions would violate the
Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution.
January 2, 2020 – Op. Atty. Gen 185a-5
SECRETARY OF STATE: ELECTIONS: POLLING PLACES: County auditors may designate voting site(s) for early voting in three ways: (1) absentee balloting alone during entire 46-day period before election; (2) both ballot counter-ballot box voting and absentee balloting during 7-day period before election; or (3) absentee balloting during 46-day period, with additional voter option of ballot counter-ballot box voting during final 7 days of period. Minn. Stat. § 203B.081, subds. 1, 3.
May 16, 2019 – Op. Atty. Gen 624c-4
PUBLIC UTILITIES: ELECTRICITY – LIGHT & POWER: DELINQUENT BILLS: Municipal utilities must use reasonable methods to compel payment for services and utility service may not be disconnected other than for good cause. Op. Atty. Gen. 624c-4 (Nov. 2, 1938) superseded.
May 14, 2019 — Op. Atty. Gen 169j
SCHOOL PUPILS: GRADUATION: FEES: Public schools are prohibited from denying
students – who are eligible to receive their diploma – the opportunity to participate in graduation ceremonies due to unpaid meal debts.
December 21, 2017 — Op. Atty. Gen 280k
LEGISLATURE: LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR: INCOMPATIBLE OFFICES: Last elected president of state senate becomes lieutenant governor as a result of vacancy in that position; strong argument can be made president of senate cannot simultaneously serve as state senator and lieutenant
governor in light of lieutenant governor’s executive branch functions. Minn. Const. art. IV §§ 5, 15, art. V §§ 3, 5 (2017); Minn. Stat. §§ 3.05, 4.04, subd. 2, 9.011, 15B.03 (2016).
October 17, 2014 — Op. Atty. Gen 16-b
AUCTIONEERS: LICENSES: COUNTIES: Time-limited online auction sales are not subject to auctioneer-licensing requirements. Minn. Stat. § § 330.01-330.13 (2012).
April 22, 2014 — Op. Atty. Gen 280l-1 (Cr. Ref. 86a-16)
LEGISLATIVE: MEMBERS: Privilege from arrest during session does not apply to criminal
conduct. Minn. Const. art. IV, § 10.
April 18, 2013 — Op. Atty. Gen 425c-11
TAX SALES: FORFEITED LAND: PURCHASE BY MUNICIPALITY: Conveyance of tax-forfeited land by the State of Minnesota to a Township for public park purposes does not supersede a prior Declaration on the property restricting the use of the property to private, residential purposes and therefore, use of the property as a public park is prohibited. Minn. Stat. § 282.01, subd. 6 (2012).
June 15, 2007 — Op. Atty. Gen 185b (Cr. Ref. 159a-3)
SCHOOL ELECTIONS: PETITIONS: Petition Rules promulgated by the Secretary of State
generally apply to petition for school district referendum. School district clerks should perform the functions of “filing officer under those rules:” Minn Stat. §§ 204B.071, 205A.05, subd. 1, 205A.13 (2006); Minn. R. ch. 8205
October 6, 2006 — Op. Atty. Gen 852 (Cr. Ref. 64, 184a)
collected by city on council candidates is not private “applicant” data under
Minn. Stat. § 13.43 (2004). Authority of city to collect such data questioned,
Minn. Stat. §§ 13.03, 13.43, 13.601.
July 14, 2006 — Op. Atty. Gen 852
GOVERNMENT DATA: Where members of governing body are considered employees of
governmental unit, personal information submitted by applicants for appointment
to fill vacancies on the body is private personnel data except for items
designated as public by Minn. Stat. § 13.43, subd. 3 and 13.601, subd. 3.
April 13, 2004 — Op. Atty. Gen. 852 (Cr. Ref. 817, 851)
GOVERNMENT DATA: PROPERTY APPRAISALS: Data Practices classification of property
appraisals done for purposes of acquisition discussed. Minn. Stat. §§ 13.44,
117.036 (Supp. 2003).
August 12, 2003 — Op. Atty. Gen. 125a-66
COUNTIES: PLANNING AND ZONING: SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS: FEES: County may not prevent recording of all land conveyance documents that do
not comply with county land use controls and fee requirements. Minn. Stat. §§272.12, 272.121, 394.37.
May 13, 2002 — Op. Atty. Gen. 63b-14 (Cr. Ref. 61c)
CITIES: COUNCIL: ORDINANCES: Computation of two-thirds majority when mayor may only vote in case of a tie. Minn. Stat. §§462.355, subd. 3 (2000), 462.357, subd. 2 (2001 Supp.)
May 8, 2002 — Op. Atty. Gen. 1001k
HOSPITAL DISTRICTS: CONTRACTS: Hospital Districts created
under Minn. Stat. §§447.31, et. seq., are subject to the bidding
requirements of Minn. Stat. § 471.345 (2000). Op. Atty. Gen. 1001k, April 18, 1962 superseded.
March 29, 2002 — Op. Atty. Gen. 174 (Cr.
Ref. 159b-12, 161b-14)
TEACHERS: COMPENSATION: SCHOOL:Districts not authorized to pay for teachers insurance and retirement contribution while on
extended leave.Minn. Stat. §§122A.46, 354.094 (2000).
January 25, 2002 — Op. Atty. Gen. 59a-32 (Cr. Ref. 441h;
exceptions, municipal zoning ordinances may be adopted or amended by majority
vote of governing body notwithstanding charter provision, or ordinance
requiring greater majority. Minn. Stat.
§§462.351, 462.357.
October 18, 2001 — Op. Atty. Gen. 125a (Cr. Ref. 59a-9)
COUNTY: BUILDING CODE: ADOPTION: County may adopt and enforce State
Building Code by ordinance notwithstanding previous referendum. Op. Atty. Gen. 125a.
April20, 1994, superseded. Minn. Stat. §16B.72 (2000).
April 30, 2001 — Op. Atty. Gen. 125a-28 (Cr. Ref. 59a-25; 161b-7)
COUNTIES: INSURANCE: RETIRED EMPLOYEES: Health insurance coverage for
retired employees may be modified in connection with a new collective bargaining
agreement. Minn. Stat. §§179A.03 subd.19, 179A.20, 471.61, 471.6161.
October 5, 2000 — Op. Atty. Gen. 484e-1 (Cr. Ref. 185b-2)
CITIES: CONSOLIDATION: ELECTIONS: Voter approval of consolidation requires
affirmative vote of majority of persons voting on the question. Minn. Stat.
§414.01, subd.6 (1998).
August 4, 2000 — Op. Atty. Gen. 852 (Cr. Ref. 523a-17,
and Industry and objections thereto are public data. Minn. Stat. §§13.39, 176.181.
June 30, 2000 — Op. Atty. Gen. 229a(Cr. Ref. 1005, 1007, 1016)
Commissioner of Transportation and Metropolitan Council in connection with construction of
light rail transit project discussed: Minn. Stat. §§471.59, 473.399 473.3997.
May 4, 2000 — Op. Atty. Gen. 62b (Cr. Ref. 477b)
CITIES: ORDINANCES: PREEMPTION: A city may completely prohibit smoking in
restaurants under its general police powers. The Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act expressly
preserves the authority of cities to ban smoking where the Act, and Health Department
rules promulgated thereunder, would otherwise allow designation of smoking areas by the
November 23, 1999 — Op. Atty. Gen. 471m
elected to fill remainder of unexpired mayoral term may assume office upon receipt of
certificate of election. Minn. Stat. §412.02, subd.2, 2a.
August 23, 1999 — Op. Atty. Gen. 1035 (Cr. Ref. 170c)
concerning the nature, governance and powers of the League discussed. Minn. Stat.
§§10A.071, 15.0575, 118A.04, 118A.05, 128C.01, 128C.10, 128C.15, 128C.22, 471.345,
471.705, 471.895 (1998).
June 28, 1999 — Op. Atty. Gen. 624a-3
utilities commission is authorized to set reasonable rates, including rates in excess of
the precise amounts required to operate utilities, and the City Council may transfer
moneys from the public utilities fund to the city general fund for public purpose
expenditures, subject to applicable charter provisions.
June 9, 1999 — Op. Atty. Gen. 390a-14
SHERIFFS: MOTOR VEHICLES: County Board has authority to specify color of
Sheriffs squad cars. Minn. Stat. §§169.98 subd.1 (a); 375.18
subd.2; 387.29 subd.2.
May 11, 1999 — Op. Atty. Gen. 59a-32 (Cr. Ref. 125a-66, 477b-34,
484a-1, 484e-1)
CITIES: ZONING: City ordinance zoning newly annexed land in Mississippi
headwaters area is not subject to requirement for formal review and certification by
Mississippi Headwaters Board, but must, nonetheless comply with the Boards
comprehensive land use plan. Minn. Stat. §103f.371 - 103f.375 (1998).
December 15, 1998 — Op. Atty. Gen. 161b-7 (Cr. Ref. 59a-25, 125a-28,
required to make available same level of insurance coverage to retired employees 65 years
of age and older as that provided to active employees. Minn. Stat. §471.61,
November 5, 1998 — Op. Atty. Gen. 379c-8c
ROADS: TOWN LINE: MAINTENANCE: County boards may determine division
of maintenance responsibility for town line road established prior to enactment of
authorizing statute. Op. Atty. Gen. 379c-8c, September18, 1951 superseded. Minn.
Stat. §164.12 (1996).
November 2, 1998 — Op. Atty. Gen. 624a-3
authorized to delegate operation and management of telephone and cable television services
to utility commission. Op. Atty. Gen. 624a-3 , May 7, 1968, superseded. Minn. Stat. §
March 11, 1998 — Op. Atty. Gen. 159a-3
board which receives petition by voters to hold special election to authorize issuance of
bonds for school facility must submit project for review and comment. A community
recreational facility as described by school district is subject to review and comment
procedures. Unless the review and comment is negative, school board must call the special
election petitioned by voters. Minn. Stat. §§ 121.148 (1996), 121.15 (Supp. 1997),
205A.05 (Supp. 1997). Affirmative vote in bond election does not compel board to issue
bonds. Op. Atty. Gen. 159a-3, May 25, 1970.
December 18, 1997 — Op. Atty. Gen. 107b-19
vehicles with tax forfeited land sales funds. Vehicles must be used exclusively for
maintenance and improvement of tax forfeited lands.
October 14, 1997 — Op. Atty. Gen. 268l
JUVENILES, CRIMES, PHOTOS: Minn. Stat § 260.161, subd. 3(a) only
prohibits peace officers from taking photos of children in custody and does not prohibit
news media.
October 14, 1997 — Op. Atty. Gen. 268l
SHERIFFS, POLICE, JURISDICTION: County sheriffs have jurisdiction to
investigate crimes anywhere in their county, even in cities with established police
August 27, 1997 — Op. Atty. Gen. 82t
against anonymous campaign material in Minn. Stat. §§ 211B.04(a) and (b) (1996) is
clearly unconstitutional under controlling U.S. Supreme Court precedent.
August 25, 1997 — Op. Atty. Gen. 90e
CONTRACTS: OFFICERS INTEREST: CITY: Officer and employee of nonprofit
corporation that provides public access cable television services in connection with city
franchise and contract is not disqualified from serving as mayor or council member, but
must abstain from participating in city actions involving franchise. Op. Atty. Gen. 90a-1,
July 12, 1973 superseded. Minn. Stat. §§ 238.15 and 471.87 (1996).
August 4, 1997 — Op. Atty. Gen. 161b-12
powers regarding salary and benefits for superintendent discussed. Authority of
Commissioner of Children, Families and Learning discussed. Minn. Stat. §§ 43A.17,
123.33-123.35, 356.24, 356.25, 471.38, 471.665.
July 29, 1997 — Op. Atty. Gen. 358e-3
INCOMPATIBLE OFFICE: CITY ATTORNEY: Office of Assistant County Attorney
is not incompatible per se with office of city attorney. Minn. Stat. § 481.17 (1996)
July 10, 1997 — Op. Atty. Gen. 602j
DRAINAGE: REPAIRS: LIMITATION UPON COST: The limitation contained in
Minn. Stat. § 103E.715, subd. 4(a) (1996) on cost of repairs made pursuant to a repair
petition does not apply to routine maintenance and repairs made by a drainage authority
pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 103E.705 (1996).
November 5, 1996 — Op. Atty. Gen. 390a-21
SHERIFFS: SERVICE OF PROCESS: Sheriff is not authorized to serve
documents pertaining to proceedings in purported “courts” not established by
law. Minn. Const. art. VI § 387.03 (1994).
August 28, 1996 — Op. Atty. Gen. 63a-5
OPEN MEETING LAW: CITY COUNCIL: COMMITTEES: Mere attendance by additional
council member(s) at meeting of a council committee, held in compliance with Open Meeting
Law, would not constitute special council meeting requiring separate notice, but such
member(s) should not participate in committee discussions or deliberations, absent
separate notice.
July 25, 1996 — Op. Atty. Gen. 442a-1
TOWN FUNDS: OFFICERS: Town is not required or authorized to reimburse
officer for costs of criminal defense. Minn. Stat. §§ 465.76, 466.07, 471.44 (1994).
July 24, 1996 — Op. Atty. Gen. 59a-30
CITY OFFICERS: REMOVAL: City charter may not provide for removal of
council member by council. Grounds for removal of elected local official must amount to
malfeasance or nonfeasance in office. Minn. Const. art. VIII, § 5; art. XII, §§ 3, 4.
Minn. Stat. §§ 351.02, 351.14, 410.07, 410.20.
February 23, 1996 — Op. Atty. Gen. 238i
MANUFACTURED HOME PARKS: FIRE CODE: Fire code road width requirements may
be applied to existing park where hazard to life or property exists.
December 4, 1995 — Op. Atty. Gen. 852
constituting original works of authorship are protected by federal copyright law. Certain
restrictions may be placed upon use of public data. Title 17 U.S.C., Minn. Stat.
§§ 13.03, 13.37, 15.95, 16B.483, 16B.51, 16B.53
October 27, 1995 — Op. Atty. Gen. 64f (Cr. Ref.63b-5)
ELECTIONS: CITIES: Uniform election day statute applies to charter cities transitional provisions discussed. Minn. Stat.
§§ 205.02, 205.07, 410.015, 410.21
August 18, 1995 — Op. Atty. Gen. 59a-32 (Cr. Ref.
59a-9, 125a-66)
CITIES: ZONING: City may extend subdivision regulations and building code
enforcement but not zoning controls, two miles beyond city limits where county zoning
regulations are in effect. Minn. Stat. §§ 16B.62, 16B.72, 462.357, 462.358 (1994).
April 10, 1995 — Op. Atty. Gen. 106e
COUNTY SEAT: REMOVAL: Petition not invalid due to claims that signatures
not personally observed by affiants: Effect of conditional offer of site and funds for
January 24, 1995 — Op. Atty. Gen. 106e
COUNTY SEAT: REMOVAL: Otherwise qualified voters need not have actually
voted at previous election or be registered to sign petition for changing county seat.
Minn. Stat. §§ 372.01, 372.03 (1994).
December 28, 1994 — Op. Atty. Gen. 104a-9
COUNTIES: OFFICERS: COMPENSATION: County may not provide car allowance
subsidizing personal use of automobile in addition to maximum authorized salary;
authorized vacation leave is not considered severance pay. Minn. Stat. §§ 43A.17, subd.
9, 465.722; 471.665.
October 31, 1994 — Op. Atty. Gen. 390a-6
SHERIFF: COMPENSATION: FEES: County sheriff may not perform privately
contracted policing services within the county for personal compensation. Sheriff's family
members may be involved in private service of process business. Minn. Stat. §§ 387.03,
387.20, 436.05.
August 18, 1994 — Op. Atty. Gen. 632e-1
MOTOR VEHICLE: TAX: BASIS FOR COMPUTING: Motor Vehicle registration tax
must be based upon base price as listed on window sticker. Minn. Stat. § 168.013.
August 1, 1994 — Op. Atty. Gen. 627e
ELECTIONS: CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS: Candidates for local office are not
precluded by Minn. Stat. § 211A.13 (Supp. 1993) from transferring funds to other
candidates for local office.
June 9, 1994 — Op. Atty. Gen. 90
and Redevelopment Authority Commissioner is not prohibited from performing work on
projects approved by authority if notice and nonparticipation requirements of Minn. Stat.
§ 469.009 (1992) are met. Minn. Stat. §§ 469.009, 471.87 (1992)
April 28, 1994 — Op. Atty. Gen. 124a
provide per diem allowance does not permit a per meeting payment. Per diem payment
permitted for meetings of county board. Members may not be paid multiple per diem for
meetings held on the same day, absent independent statutory authority Minn. Stat. §§
375.055, 375.065.
April 20, 1994 — Op. Atty. Gen. 125a
COUNTY: BUILDING CODE: ADOPTION: County, wherein building code was
rejected by referendum, may not adopt code by ordinance. Matter of code application may be
resubmitted to referendum. Minn. Stat. § 16B.72 (1992).
March 11, 1994 — Op. Atty. Gen. 1007
JOINT POWERS ACT: CHARTER SCHOOLS: Charter schools formed as contemplated
by Minn. Stat. § 120.064 (1992 and Supp. 1993) are not “governmental units” as
the term is defined in the Joint Powers Act, Minn. Stat. § 471.59, subd. 1 (1992);
consequently, such charter schools may not be a party to a joint powers agreement.
March 9, 1994 — Op. Atty. Gen. 213c
legislative action are not subject to gubernatorial approval or veto. Minn. Const. art.
IV, §§ 23, 24; art. IX, §1.
September 14, 1993 — Op. Atty. Gen. 469b
CITIES: OFFICERS: SALARIES: Compensation of employee for unused vacation
upon termination is not considered salary for purposes of Minn. Stat. § 43A.17.
July 27, 1993 — Op. Atty. Gen. 707a
project labor agreement specifications if motivated by economic reasons as purchaser, and
not in regulatory capacity.
May 4, 1993 — Op. Atty. Gen. 414a-5
TAXATION: INDIAN LANDS: The exemption from ad valorem taxation for Indian
lands in Minn. Stat. § 272.01, subd. 1 applies only to lands held in trust by the United
States for the benefit of an Indian Tribe, its members, or an individual Indian, and lands
owned by an Indian Tribe or an individual Indian subject to federal statutory restraints
on alienation. The exemption does not apply to lands owned in fee simple title by Indian
Tribes or individual Indians.
April 15, 1993 — Op. Atty. Gen. 494a-1
CRIMINAL LAW: UNIFORM TRAFFIC TICKET: Issuance for violation not
committed or attempted in presence of officer. Superseding Op. Atty. Gen. 494a-1, March
14, 1967. Minn. Stat. §§ 169.91, 169.92, 169.99, 629.34.
March 8, 1993 — Op. Atty. Gen. 387b-10
STORM SEWERS: CHARGES: City may impose reasonable charges for storm sewer
services based upon classification of premises in reference to storm water produced.
Minn. Stat. § 444.075 (1992).
March 1, 1993 — Op. Atty. Gen. 484a-1
CITIES: ANNEXATION: Time conditions in orderly annexation agreements do
not bind determinations of Municipal Board or preclude annexation by ordinance pursuant to
Minn. Stat. § 414.033, subd. 2a (1992). Minn. Stat. §§ 414.0325, 414.033.
January 4, 1993 — Op. Atty. Gen. 330c-3
BOARDS: HENNEPIN COUNTY: TERMS OF MEMBERS: Terms of members appointed by
county board expire on January. They may continue in de facto capacity until
successors are selected. Minn. Stat. §§ 383B.68, 383B.69 (1990).