Seniors Legal Rights
Office of Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison
445 Minnesota Street, Suite 600
St. Paul, MN 55101
(651) 296-3353 (Twin Cities Calling Area)
(800) 657-3787 (Outside the Twin Cities)
(800) 627-3529 (Minnesota Relay)
Charities Review Council
(651) 224-7030
Minnesota Extension Service
(612) 624-1222
Stratis Health
(formerly the Foundation for Health Care Evaluation)
(952) 854-3306 or (877) 787-2847
Better Business Bureau of Minnesota
(651) 699-1111 or (800) 646-6222
Minnesota State Bar Association
The Minnesota State Bar Association
Attorney Referral Service
Attorney referral numbers for residents of Dakota, Hennepin, and Ramsey counties:
Dakota: (952) 431-3200
Hennepin: (612) 752-6666
Ramsey: (651) 224-1775
Minnesota State Agencies
Minnesota Department of Health
(651) 201-5000 or (888) 345-0823
TTY: (651) 201-5797
Facilities and Provider Compliance Division
(651) 201-4201 or (800) 369-7994
Health Occupations Program Hearing Aid Complaints
(800) 657-3837
Managed Care Section
(651) 201-5100 or (800) 657-3916
Office of Health Facility Complaints
(651) 201-4200 or (800) 369-7994
Minnesota Department of Commerce
(651) 539-1500 or (800) 657-3602
Energy Information Center
(651) 539-1886
(800) 657-3710 (Greater MN only)
Minnesota Department of Human Rights
(651) 539-1100 or (800) 657-3704
TTY: (800) 627-3529
Minnesota Department of Revenue
Minnesota Taxpayers’ Helpline
(651) 296-3781
Minnesota Department of Public Safety
Office of Justice Programs Crime Victims Justice Unit
(651) 201-7310, ext. 3, or
(800) 247-0390, ext. 3
Minnesota Public Utilities Commission
(651) 296-0406 or (800) 657-3782
Minnesota State Boards
Minnesota Board on Aging
(651) 431-2500 or (800) 882-6262
TTY: (800) 627-3529
Senior LinkAge Line
(800) 333-2433
Ombudsman for Long-Term Care
P.O. Box 64971
St. Paul, MN 55164-0971
(651) 431-2555 or (800) 657-3591
Minnesota Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy
(612) 548-2177
Minnesota Board of Chiropractic Examiners
(651) 201-2850
Minnesota Board of Dentistry
(612) 617-2250 or (800) 240-4762
Minnesota Board of Dietetics and Nutrition Practice
(651) 201-2764
Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board (EMSRB)
(651) 201-2800 or (800) 747-2011
Minnesota Board of Marriage and Family Therapy
(612) 617-2220 or (800) 627-3529
Minnesota Board of Medical Practice
(612) 617-2130 or (800) 657-3709
Minnesota Board of Nursing
(612) 317-3000
Minnesota Board of Examiners for Nursing Home Administrators
(651) 201-2763
Minnesota Board of Occupational Therapy
(612) 548-2179
Minnesota Board of Optometry
(651) 201-2762
Minnesota Board of Pharmacy
(651) 201-2825
Minnesota State Board of Physical Therapy
(612) 627-5406
Minnesota Board of Podiatric Medicine
(612) 548-2175
Minnesota Board of Psychology
(612) 617-2230
Minnesota Board of Social Work
(612) 617-2100 or (888) 234-1320
National Agencies and Resources
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
(877) 696-6775
National Health Information Center
Social Security Administration
(800) 772-1213
TTY : (800) 325-0778
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Minneapolis Office
(763) 569-8000
United States Secret Service
Minneapolis Field Office
(612) 348-1800
IRS Taxpayer Assistance
(800) 829-1040
TTY: (800) 829-4059
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
(877) 382-4357
TTY: (866) 653-4261
Consumer Product Safety Commission
(800) 638-2772
TTY: (301) 595-7054
United States Postal Inspection Service
(877) 876-2455
Check Verification Companies
Certegy Check Service: (800) 237-3826
Chexsystems: (800) 428-9623
Global Payments: (800) 367-2638
SCAN: (800) 262-7771
TeleCheck: (800) 710-9898
National Highway Traffic Safety Commission
Vehicle Safety Hotline
(888) 327-4236
TTY: (800) 424-9153
Senior Advocacy Groups
Land of the Dancing Sky Area Agency on Aging
(218) 745-6733
Located in Warren, this office serves seniors in Becker, Beltrami, Clay, Clearwater, Douglas, Grant, Hubbard, Kittson, Lake of the Woods, Mahnomen, Marshall, Norman, Otter Tail, Pennington, Polk, Pope, Red Lake, Roseau, Stevens, Traverse, and Wilkin counties.
Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging
(218) 722-5545, ext. 3 or (800) 232-0707, ext. 3
Located in Duluth, this office serves seniors in Aitkin, Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, and St. Louis counties.
(651) 641-8612
Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging is now Trellis. Located in North St. Paul, this office serves seniors in Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, and Washington counties.
Minnesota Chippewa Tribe Area Agency on Aging
(218) 335-8586 or (888) 231-7886
Located in Cass Lake, this office serves seniors on the Bois Forte, Grand Portage, Leech Lake, and White Earth Reservations.
Central Minnesota Council on Aging
(320) 253-9349
Located in Sartell, this office serves seniors in Benton, Cass, Chisago, Crow Wing, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Pine, Sherburne, Stearns, Todd, Wadena, and Wright counties.
Southeastern Minnesota Area Agency on Aging
(507) 288-6944
Located in Rochester, this office serves seniors in Dodge, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Houston, Mower, Olmsted, Rice, Steele, Wabasha, and Winona counties.
Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging
(507) 387-1256
The Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging has offices in Mankato and Slayton, and serves seniors in Big Stone, Blue Earth, Brown, Chippewa, Cottonwood, Faribault, Jackson, Kandiyohi, Lac Qui Parle, Le Sueur, Lincoln, Lyon, Martin, McLeod, Meeker, Murray, Nicollet, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, Renville, Rock, Sibley, Swift, Waseca, Watonwan, and Yellow Medicine counties.
Legal Aid Services
Legal Aid Services provide legal assistance to financially disadvantaged persons. Each Legal Aid office has criteria to determine when a person qualifies for legal assistance at little to no cost. Some Legal Aid offices provide assistance only within certain areas of the state or to certain groups of individuals—see specific listings for more information.
Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services
(888) 575-2954
Administrative Office
800 Alliance Bank Center
55 East 5th Street,
St. Paul, MN 55101
(651) 228-9823|
Albert Lea Office
146 College Street West
Albert Lea, MN 56007
(507) 377-2831
Mankato Office
12 Civic Center Plaza, Suite 3000
Mankato, MN 56001
(507) 387-5588
Rochester Office
903 West Center Street, Suite 230
Rochester, MN 55902
(507) 292-0080
Saint Paul Central Office
400 Alliance Bank Center
55 East 5th Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
(651) 222-5863
Winona Office
66 East Third Street, Suite 204
Winona, MN 55987-3478
(507) 454-6660 (voice or TTY)
Worthington Office
1567 North McMillan Street, Suite 6
Worthington, MN 56187
(507) 372-7368
Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid Offices
Minneapolis Office
111 North 5th Street, Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55403
(612) 332-1141
(612) 332-4668 (TTY)
St. Cloud Office
110 Sixth Avenue South, Suite 200
St. Cloud, MN 56301
(320) 253-0121
(888) 360-2889
Disability Line (800) 292-4150
Willmar Office
415 Seventh Street SW P.O. Box 1866
Willmar, MN 56201
(320) 235-9600
(888) 360-3666
Disability Line (800) 292-4150
Legal Aid Service of Northeastern Minnesota
302 Ordean Building
424 West Superior Street
Duluth MN 55802
(800) 933 1112
Service area includes: Aitkin, Carlton, Cass, Cook, Crow Wing, Itasca, Kanabec, Koochiching, Lake, Pine, and St. Louis counties
Duluth Office
306 W. Superior Street
403 Alworth Building
Duluth, MN 55802
(218) 722-5625
Disability Line (800) 292-4150
Brainerd Office
P.O. Box 804
324 South Fifth Street, Suite A
Brainerd, MN 56401
(218) 829-1701 or (800) 933-1112
Grand Rapids Office
350 NW 1st Avenue, Suite F
Grand Rapids, MN 55744
(218) 322-6020 or (800) 933-1112
Pine City Office
1015 Hillside Avenue SW, Suite 4
Pine City, MN 55063
(320) 629-7166 or (800) 933-1112
Virginia Office
Olcott Plaza, Suite 200
820 North Ninth Street
Virginia, MN 55792
(218) 749-3270 or (800) 933-1112
Legal Services of Northwest Minnesota
All three offices serve the following counties: Becker, Beltrami, Clay, Clearwater, Douglas, Grant, Hubbard, Kittson, Lake of the Woods, Mahnomen, Marshall, Norman, Otter Tail, Pennington, Polk, Pope, Red Lake, Roseau, Stevens, Traverse, Wadena and Wilkin.
Alexandria Office
426 Broadway Street
Alexandria, MN 56308
(320) 762-0663 or (800) 450-8585
Bemidji Office
215 Fourth Street NW
Bemidji, MN 56619
(218) 751-9201 or (800) 450-8585.
Moorhead Office
Administrative Offices
1015 Seventh Avenue North
Moorhead, MN 56560
(218) 233-8585 or (800) 450-8585
Anishinabe Legal Services
To ensure equal access to high quality legal assistance for historically under-served people living on or near the
Leech Lake, Red Lake, and White Earth Tribal Lands and to protect legal rights and Tribal Sovereignty
Cass Lake (Central) Office
P.O. Box 157
411 First Street Northwest
Cass Lake, MN 56633
(218) 335-2223 or (800) 422-1335
Red Lake Office
Red Lake Agency, Room 18
Highway 1 West
Red Lake, MN 56671
(218) 335-2223, ext. 113
White Earth Office
White Earth Judicial Complex
35500 Eagle View Road
White Earth, MN 56591
(218) 335-2223, ext. 114
Refugee, Immigrant, and Migrant Services
St. Paul Office
450 North Syndicate Street, Suite 285
St. Paul, MN 55104
(651) 291-2837
Rochester Office
903 West Center Street, Suite 230
Rochester, MN 55902
(507) 292-0080
Judicare of Anoka County
Judicare of Anoka County, Inc. is a non-profit corporation that provides free legal representation in non-criminal matters to low-income residents of Anoka County.
Judicare of Anoka County
1201 89th Avenue Northeast, Suite 310
Blaine, MN 55434
(763) 783-4970
Restrict Sharing Information
Use this letter to write to banks, charities, and other organizations with which you do business, telling them not to sell or give out your name or personal information.
Sample Letter to Restrict Sharing Information (PDF)
When a Charity or Fundraiser Calls, Ask Questions and Take Notes!
Use this form to make notes of conversations with telephone solicitors. Keep copies of this form handy.