Manufactured Home Parks


Glossary of Terms

Lot: An area within a manufactured home park designed or used for a manufactured home.

Manufactured Home: A structure that is not a part of real estate, and that has one or more sections that may be transported. The home (or a section of the home) has a width of eight body feet or more and a length of 40 body feet or more. On site, the home is 320 square feet or more. The home must be built as a permanent chassis. The home may or may not have a permanent foundation. The home must be designed as a dwelling when connected to the required utilities.

Manufactured Home Park: Any site, lot, field, or tract of land where two or more occupied manufactured homes are located, either free of charge or for compensation. This includes any building, structure, tent, vehicle, or enclosure used, or intended to be used, for the manufactured home park. This does not include facilities open three or fewer seasons each year.

Park Owner: The owner of a manufactured home park or any person acting on behalf of the owner to operate the park.

Resident: A manufactured homeowner who rents a lot in a manufactured home park. This includes all members of the resident’s household.

Resident Association: An organization formed to resolve matters related to living conditions in the manufactured home park. The organization must have written permission from at least 51 percent of the homeowners in the park to represent them.

General Resources

This section is designed to provide additional resources to manufactured home park owners, managers, residents and dealers. The following agencies provide varying services to those involved with manufactured home parks.

Office of Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison
445 Minnesota Street, Suite 600
St. Paul, MN 55101
(651) 296-3353 (Twin Cities Calling Area)
(800) 657-3787 (Outside the Twin Cities)
(800) 627-3529 (Minnesota Relay)

Minnesota Department of Health
Environmental Health Services
625 Robert Street North
PO Box 64975
Saint Paul, MN 55164
(651) 201-4500

Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry
Construction Codes and Licensing Division
Manufactured Structures Section
443 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 284-5092

Housing Justice Center
275 E. 4th Street
Suite 590
St. Paul, MN 55101
(612) 807-1139


Manufactured & Modular Home Association of Minnesota
33 East Wentworth Avenue, Suite 265
West St. Paul, MN 55118
(800) 696-3721

Minnesota Housing
400 Wabasha Street, Suite 400
St. Paul, MN 55102
(651) 296-7608 or (800) 657-3769

Better Business Bureau of Minnesota and North Dakota
220 South River Ridge Circle
Burnsville, MN 55337
(651) 699-1111 or (800) 646-6222

Conciliation Courts

Currently, claims of up to $15,000 may be brought in conciliation court. You can obtain legal forms for conciliation court by calling or visiting the respective courthouse that you intend to file your claim in. Forms are also available online at

What Is Conciliation Court?

Conciliation court is often called “people’s court” or “small claims court” because its basic purpose is to help people recover relatively small sums of money without having to hire a lawyer. Conciliation court allows you to bring your legal disputes to a court without the hassles of confusing legal procedures and high costs. Court rules are generally simple and informal, and the cost of filing in conciliation court is low.

Aitkin(218) 927-7350
Anoka(763) 760-6700
Becker (218) 846-7305
Beltrami (218) 333-4120
Benton (320) 968-5205
Big Stone (320) 839-2536
Blue Earth (507) 304-4650
Brown (507) 233-6670
Carlton (218) 384-9578
Carver(952) 361-1420
Cass (218) 547-7200
Chippewa (320) 269-7774
Chisago (651) 213-8650
Clay (218) 299-5065
Clearwater (218) 694-6177
Cook (218) 387-3610
Cottonwood (507) 831-4551
Crow Wing (218) 824-1310
      Apple Valley (952) 891-7256
      Hastings (651) 438-8100
      West St. Paul (651) 554-6200
Dodge (507) 635-6260
Douglas (320) 762-3033
Faribault (507) 526-6273
Fillmore (507) 765-3356
Freeborn (507) 377-5153
Goodhue (651) 267-4800
Grant (218) 685-8282
Hennepin (612) 348-2713
Houston (507) 725-5806
Hubbard (218) 732-5286
Isanti (763) 689-2292
Itasca (218) 327-2870
Jackson (507) 847-4400
Kanabec (320) 679-6400
Kandiyohi (320) 231-6206
Kittson (218) 843-3632
Koochiching (218) 283-1160
Lac qui Parle (320) 295-4000
Lake (218) 834-8330
Lake of the Woods (218) 634-1451
Le Sueur (507) 357-8260
Lincoln (507) 694-1355
Lyon (507) 537-6734
Mahnomen (218) 935-2251
Marshall (218) 745-4921
Martin (507) 238-3205
McLeod (320) 864-1281
Meeker (320) 693-5230
Mille Lacs (320) 983-8313
Morrison (320) 632-0327
Mower (507) 437-9465
Murray (507) 836-1125
Nicollet (507) 934-7850
Nobles (507) 265-5170
Norman (218) 784-5458
Olmsted (507) 206-2400
Otter Tail (218) 998-8420
Pennington (218) 683-7023
Pine (320) 591-1500
Pipestone (507) 353-7080
Polk (218) 281-2332
Pope (320) 634-5222
Ramsey (651) 266-8230
Red Lake (218) 253-4281
Redwood (507) 637-4020
Renville (320) 523-3680
Rice (507) 332-6107
Rock (507) 353-7095
Roseau (218) 463-2541
Scott (952) 496-8200
Sherburne (763) 765-4600
Sibley (507) 237-4051
St. Louis 
      Duluth (218) 726-2460
      Hibbing (218) 262-0105
      Virginia (218) 749-7106
Stearns (320) 656-3620
Steele (507) 444-7701
Stevens (320) 208-6640
Swift (320) 843-2744
Todd (320) 732-7800
Traverse (320) 422-7752
Wabasha (651) 565-3524
Wadena (218) 631-7633
Waseca (507) 835-0540
Washington (651) 430-6268
Watonwan (507) 375-1236
Wilkin (218) 643-7172
Winona (507) 457-6385
Wright (763) 682-7539
Yellow Medicine (320) 564-3325

Legal Aid Services

Legal Aid Services provide legal assistance to financially disadvantaged persons. Each Legal Aid office has criteria to determine when a person qualifies for legal assistance at little to no cost. Some Legal Aid offices provide assistance only within certain areas of the state or to certain groups of individuals—see specific listings for more information.

Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services

(888) 575-2954

Administrative Office
800 Alliance Bank Center
55 East 5th Street,
St. Paul, MN 55101
(651) 228-9823|

Albert Lea Office
146 College Street West
Albert Lea, MN 56007
(507) 377-2831

Mankato Office
12 Civic Center Plaza, Suite 3000
Mankato, MN 56001
(507) 387-5588

Rochester Office
903 West Center Street, Suite 230
Rochester, MN 55902
(507) 292-0080

Saint Paul Central Office
400 Alliance Bank Center
55 East 5th Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
(651) 222-5863

Winona Office
66 East Third Street, Suite 204
Winona, MN 55987-3478
(507) 454-6660 (voice or TTY)

Worthington Office
1567 North McMillan Street, Suite 6
Worthington, MN 56187
(507) 372-7368

Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid Offices

Minneapolis Office
111 North 5th Street, Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55403
(612) 332-1141
(612) 332-4668 (TTY)

St. Cloud Office
110 Sixth Avenue South, Suite 200
St. Cloud, MN 56301
(320) 253-0121
(888) 360-2889
Disability Line (800) 292-4150

Willmar Office
415 Seventh Street SW P.O. Box 1866
Willmar, MN 56201
(320) 235-9600
(888) 360-3666
Disability Line (800) 292-4150

Justice North (f/k/a Legal Aid Service of Northeastern Minnesota

230 W. Superior Street, Suite 200
Duluth, MN 55802
(877) MY-MN-LAW (877-696-6529

Service area includes: Aitkin, Carlton, Cass, Cook, Crow Wing, Itasca, Kanabec, Koochiching, Lake, Pine, and St. Louis counties

Duluth Office
230 W. Superior Street, Suite 200
Duluth MN, 55802
(877) MY-MN-LAW (877-696-6529)

Brainerd Office
603 Oak Street
Brainerd, MN 56401
(877) MY-MN-LAW (877-696-6529)

Grand Rapids Office
111 Golf Course Road
Grand Rapids, MN 55744
(877) MY-MN-LAW (877-696-6529)

Pine City Office
1015 Hillside Avenue SW, Suite 4
Pine City, MN 55063
(877) MY-MN-LAW (877-696-6529)

Virginia Office
Olcott Plaza, Suite 150
820 N Ninth Street
Virginia, MN 55792
(877) MY-MN-LAW (877-696-6529)

Legal Services of Northwest Minnesota

All three offices serve the following counties: Becker, Beltrami, Clay, Clearwater, Douglas, Grant, Hubbard, Kittson, Lake of the Woods, Mahnomen, Marshall, Norman, Otter Tail, Pennington, Polk, Pope, Red Lake, Roseau, Stevens, Traverse, Wadena and Wilkin.

Alexandria Office
426 Broadway Street
Alexandria, MN 56308
(320) 762-0663 or (800) 450-8585

Bemidji Office
215 Fourth Street NW
Bemidji, MN 56619
(218) 751-9201 or (800) 450-8585.

Moorhead Office
Administrative Offices
1015 Seventh Avenue North
Moorhead, MN 56560
(218) 233-8585 or (800) 450-8585

Anishinabe Legal Services
To ensure equal access to high quality legal assistance for historically under-served people living on or near the Leech Lake, Red Lake, and White Earth Tribal Lands and to protect legal rights and Tribal Sovereignty

Cass Lake (Central) Office
P.O. Box 157
411 First Street Northwest
Cass Lake, MN 56633
(218) 335-2223 or (800) 422-1335

Red Lake Office
Red Lake Agency, Room 18
Highway 1 West
Red Lake, MN 56671
(218) 335-2223, ext. 113

White Earth Office
White Earth Judicial Complex
35500 Eagle View Road
White Earth, MN 56591
(218) 335-2223, ext. 114

Housing Alliance Law Office

Housing Alliance Law Office (HALO)
Main Office

400 Alliance Bank Center
55 East 5th Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
(651) 222-4731

HALO Neighborhood Office
450 North Syndicate, Suite 285
St. Paul, MN 55104
(651) 291-2837

HALO Neighborhood Office Johnson Elementary School
740 York Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55106
(651) 793-7318

Toll-Free Hotline for Greater Minnesota:
(888) 575-2954

Refugee, Immigrant, and Migrant Services

St. Paul Office
450 North Syndicate Street, Suite 285
St. Paul, MN 55104
(651) 291-2837

Rochester Office
903 West Center Street, Suite 230
Rochester, MN 55902
(507) 292-0080

Judicare of Anoka County

Judicare of Anoka County, Inc. is a non-profit corporation that provides free legal representation in non-criminal matters to low-income residents of Anoka County.

Judicare of Anoka County
1201 89th Avenue Northeast, Suite 310
Blaine, MN 55434
(763) 783-4970

Minnesota State Legislature

Contact your legislators if you have questions about changes in the law or wish to propose changes to state law:

House Information
(651) 296-2146 or (800) 657-3550

Senate Information
(651) 296-0504 or (888) 234-1112

Minnesota Association of Community Mediation Programs

The Minnesota Association of Community Mediation Programs consists of several centers which provide trained volunteer mediators to help resolve disputes peacefully and cooperatively. These centers cannot provide legal advice. The costs and fees vary.

Conflict Resolution Center
2101 Hennepin Avenue South, Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55405
(612) 822-9883

Community Mediation & Restorative Services, Inc.
9220 Bass Lake Road, Suite 270
New Hope, MN 55428
(763) 561-0033
Español (612) 629-6058

Dispute Resolution Center
844 Selby Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55104
(651) 292-7791

Mediation and Restorative Services
1201 89th Avenue NE, Suite 380
Blaine, MN 55434
(763) 422-8878

Mediation & Conflict Solutions
1700 North Broadway, Suite 124
P. O. Box 6541
Rochester, MN 55903-6541
(507) 285-8400

Restorative and Mediation Practices
1651 Jefferson Parkway
Northfield, MN 55057
(763) 561-0033

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

Provides brochures and housing programs. HUD also handles most low-income public housing assistance claims and programs:

United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Minneapolis Field Office
212 Third Avenue South, Suite 150
Minneapolis, MN 55401
(612) 370-3000

U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs

Provides information, loans and insurance to veterans who wish to purchase manufactured homes:

United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Veterans Benefits Administration
St. Paul Regional Office
1 Federal Drive, Fort Snelling
St. Paul, MN 55111
(800) 827-1000

Forms Required by State Law

There are two forms that people buying and selling manufactured homes will use. These are the Notice Required by State Law (Form 1) and the Notice of Compliance Form (Form 2). The full text of these forms follows:

Form 1: Notice Required by State Law

This notice must be printed in minimum size of ten point, boldface print, and posted in a conspicuous and public location in the park.

Important Notice:

State law provides special rules for the owners, residents, and prospective residents of manufactured home parks.

You may keep your home in the park as long as the park is in operation and you meet your financial obligations, obey state and local laws which apply to the park, obey reasonable park rules, do not substantially annoy or endanger the other residents or substantially endanger park personnel and do not substantially damage the park premises. You may not be evicted or have your rent increased or your services cut for complaining to the park owner or to a governmental official.

If you receive an eviction notice and do not leave the park, the park owner may take you to court. If you lose in court, a sheriff may remove you and your home from the park within seven days. Or, the court may require you to leave the park within seven days but give you 60 days to sell the home within the park.

If you receive an eviction notice for a new or amended rule and the court finds the rule to be reasonable and not a substantial modification of your original agreement, the court will not order you to leave but will order you to comply with the rule within ten days. If you do not comply within the time given or if you violate the rule at a later time, you will be subject to eviction.

All park rules and policies must be reasonable. Your rent may not be increased more than twice a year. Changes made in park rules after you become a park resident will not apply to you if they substantially change your original agreement.

The park may not charge you an entrance fee.

The park may require a security deposit, but the deposit must not amount to more than two months rent.

You have a right to sell the home in the park. But the sale is not final until the park owner approves the buyer as a new resident, and you must advise in writing anyone who wants to buy your home that the sale is subject to final approval by the park owner. The park must provide to you, in writing, the procedures and criteria used to evaluate a prospective resident. If your application is denied, you can request, in writing, the reason why. You must also disclose in writing certain safety information about your home to anyone who wants to buy it in the park. You must give this information to the buyer before the sale, in writing, on the form that is attached to this notice. You must completely and accurately fill out the form and you and the buyer should each keep a copy.

Your rental agreement and the park rules contain important information about your rights and duties. Read them carefully and keep a copy.

You must be given a copy of the shelter or evacuation plan for the park. This document contains information on where to seek shelter in times of severe weather conditions. You should carefully review the plan and keep a copy.

By February 1 of each year, the park must give you a certificate of rent constituting property taxes as required by Minnesota Statutes, section 290A.19.

For further information concerning your rights, consult a private attorney. The state law governing the rental of lots in manufactured home parks may also be enforced by the Minnesota Attorney General.

Form 2: Notice of Compliance Form

A used manufactured home manufactured after June 14, 1976, cannot be sold or installed for occupancy unless it complies with the Notice of Compliance Form set forth below, signed by the seller and purchaser indicating which party is responsible for making or paying for necessary corrections prior to transfer of ownership.

Notice of Compliance Form (PDF)